
What a pride to promote FAR, such a well-known and appreciated brand in the UK!

After a solid partnership of over 20 years, Part-On is very honored to inaugurate the first showroom for the Italian fastening systems in the UK.

The showroom is equipped with a wide variety of manual, hydro-pneumatic tools and automated systems. FAR is synonymous with robust, reliable tools with an excellent quality / price ratio; on these premises today Part-On guarantees an authorized technical support service of the Italian manufacturer in the UK.
The showroom features a widescreen, Wi-Fi and a webcam and is ideal for UK customers who wish to remotely view these technologies, test tools before purchase if they are still unsure of their needs or are buying FAR tools for the first time.

Contact Part-On to book demonstrations!

Part-On Tools Ltd
Unit 21 Kings Norton Trading Estate – Birmingham, UK
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(+1) 0121 439 7152